Friday, June 11, 2010

The Diet

Yes, we're still on the diet, but can you really call it a diet? I think what gets people in trouble is the word "diet" in general. It gives the impression that this is temporary. It's not. This is a forever habit we're trying to build. But anyway. I've lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks. I have 25 pounds to go to goal #1 and then 15 pounds to goal #2 and then we'll decide about goal #3... I really want to, but we'll see how I feel then. I think the most important thing is learning to listen to your body. We get away from that when their are millions of "experts" trying to find us a shortcut to great health and stamina.
I've been reading all of these millions of diet plans written by these millions of experts and I'm having trouble understanding some of the recommendations.. For example: eat more... eat this miracle food... keep your calories up... don't miss a meal... Isn't that what got us in trouble in the first place? (That and of course, I Love to cook...)But wait... if you don't do this you won't lose weight and if you don't do that you won't lose weight and if you don't eat enough you won't lose weight...and since when is anorexia a disease of obesity? I'm a Certified Sports Nutritionist and a retired Body Builder, so I certainly understand the nutritional aspects of dieting. Where in all of these diets does it say,"get up off your butt and go DO something"? I remember when I was a kid we ran and played outside every day. Mom had to call us to remind us it was lunch time. We were having too much fun to want to stop just for food! Then when we become teenagers our responsibilities increased and we lost that sense of fun. Maybe that's the problem, we're too grown to remember fun... Hubby and I have been taking one day each week and DOing something. One week we took the dog to the park and we walked the nature trail. Last week Hubby and I went to the campground and walked the roads and up by the dam. This week we have a list of options. I'm waiting for him to decide what he wants to do for our "day out". I absolutely miss having a place to go for a bike ride or taking a ride down the shore and walking the boardwalk for hours on end. We don't have safe bike routes in Virginia, we don't even have a shoulder-of-the-road! I rode my bike every where when I lived in South Jersey! All of the nature trails here are mountains. It's harder to get started on a walking plan when you start out going up hill! Maybe by the end of the summer the trails will get easier.
We've finally gotten the pool to clear, the algae was winning for a while, but it looks like tomorrow afternoon I will be able to try out the new float and start swimming every day again. I've been swimming since I was 3. My cousin was a lifeguard and our community pool. He decided to drop me in the water and explain it to my Mom later. I've been swimming ever since. Of course, the dog insists on his walk every day whether I swim or not, so it looks like the summer is going to be busy and the "moving around" is going to keep increasing (YAY!).
We've decided to rearrange the bedroom. A friend of Hubby's gave us a couple of old doors from his house. We had planned on putting a door on the bedroom anyway to lead to the outdoor jacuzzi. So now we're going to move all of the weights and equipment to that end of the room and the bed to the other end. It will give us the impression of a workout space within our limited space. And we can open the door and feel as thought the space is a lot bigger than it is!
Well, it looks like I need to go and refill was water glass, maybe I'll add a few strawberries to the water this time instead of orange slices... and then I'm going outside to play!

1 comment:

  1. MMMMMMMMM, fresh strawberries in your water.....I'm working on shedding some poundage as well and may just have to head out to the garden for some strawberries for my water too! I've got a total of 50 lbs. to lose, but I've set up small incriment goals and am rewarding myself with pedicures, a shopping trip for a new pair of berks, candles (my other vice). Best of luck on your lifelong journey in good health.
